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Mr Silo
Posted by Dennis Blauser, December 6, 2021
While silo cleaning may initially seem like a silo cost of ownership you need to factor, it can save you money and help you stick to production schedules. A clogged silo can cause several problems that impact efficiency and lead to reduced profits. When stored material becomes compacted or builds up on interior walls, it can prevent a silo from reaching its full storage capacity. Once a silo begins to lose flow, this accelerates the buildup over time and can lead to additional blockages.
Clogged or slow running silos signify that material is not properly flowing through the silo. In addition to reducing storage capacity and slowing production, this also jeopardizes the silo's structural integrity. Proper material flow through the silo is critical to the longevity of the structure. Poor material flow can create a range of problems in loading/unloading efficiency, uneven internal loading and even lead to wall failure due to unequal pressure distribution.
Proper silo cleaning and care will increase your silo's useable lifespan and minimize big-ticket repair and cleaning costs. It can also allow you to recover stagnant material that has built up inside the silo. In short, material flow issues don't just hamper productivity; they can also lead to silo damage or failure. When it comes to saving costs on your silo cleaning, it doesn't pay to wait. There are few things as expensive as unplanned downtime.
USA Silo Service is your go-to silo cleaning company for expert silo cleaning. Our team of experts is equipped with the industry's best silo cleaning techniques and proprietary equipment, so the job is done quickly and correctly. No matter your silo type or stored material, we clean it all. USA Silo Service also provides vacuum truck and material disposal services to assist in removing and relocating silo debris.

Posted by Dennis Blauser, November 30, 2021
USA Silo Service provides silo cleaning and maintenance services that help prevent future emergencies and keep your silo functioning as it should to save you money and help you keep to production goals. Proper care of your fluidizing equipment, including air pads/air pad diffusers, air stones and air slides, is a crucial part of necessary silo maintenance. If your airflow unit shows signs of wear, it's time to request a quote to ensure the material flow of your stored dry solids is optimized.
Whatever the issue, we will ensure the reliable flow and discharge of materials, prohibiting any issues of blockage or compacting. When you contact us for help, we consider all aspects of your situation, including the types of materials stored, the condition of your silo and the difficulties you may be facing to determine the best course of action for your airflow needs. No matter the issue, we will get your silo performing at 100% again.

Posted by Dennis Blauser, November 10, 2021
Following the rise of concrete in the early 1900s, silo construction methods began to expand rapidly from silo cellars to concrete stave silo construction. This silo construction method was followed closely by the development of slipform concrete silo construction. This new concrete construction method enabled the creation of a continuous structure that was free from joints and seams.
Today, slipform concrete silos are constructed much like they were when the method first appeared. First, a custom-built form system for both the silo interior and exterior is constructed. This includes an interior work deck as well as interior/exterior finishing scaffolding. The form is supported by jack rods that are attached to hydraulic jacks. As the concrete is poured for the silo walls, the form is raised at approximately one foot per hour until the structure is finished.
Construction of slipform silos requires an around-the-clock construction schedule as the silo must be finished before construction is halted. The finished product has a smooth outer finish, thanks to the continuous pouring of the concrete silo walls. Slipform construction is usually the method of choice for concrete silos that are more than 65' in diameter, or several concrete silos need to be constructed at once.